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Velkomin(n) á vefsíðu Tinnu Maríu!

Ég er skráður græðari og sérhæfi mig í höfuðbeina- og spjaldhryggjarmeðferð.

Á þessari síðu finnur þú ýmis ráð og greinar eftir mig og aðrar áhugaverðar upplýsingar um allt sem tengist andlegum málefnum og óhefðbundnum lækningum.

Ég hef einnig til sölu úrval fallegra handgerðra silfur skartgripa setta orkusteinum og kristöllum á frábæru verði.

Nýjustu fréttir

Spakmæli dagsins

Friday, 7. March 2008

“Yesterday is history – tomorrow is a mystery – today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present”

Vísindamönnum hefur tekist að taka mynd af orkubrautum!

Thursday, 6. March 2008

What you see on the photo on the left IS acupuncture meridian. Korean scientists discovered a way to make pictures of acupuncture meridians to help visualise them.

What is Acupuncture meridian?
If you have read anything about acupuncture you would have heard about acupuncture meridians. Acupuncture meridians are the lines which connect the acupuncture points with each other as well as with internal organs. Physiologically these are the lines that the acupuncture sensation travels when acupuncture points are stimulated.

How did scientists make a photo of an acupuncture meridian?
Korean researchers found a way to reveal the anatomy of these meridians and to visualise them in this breakthrough study. They used fluorescent magnetic nanoparticles to detect a tissue which was not detectable using stereomicroscopes.

Reference: Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2007 March; 4(1): 77–82

Tekið af síðunni:acupuncture.vitalis.co.nz/

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